Dear Beloved Brothers of the Talented Tenth District:
The International History & Archives Committee, under the direction of Brother Carl Blunt and the 12 District Chairman are requesting that Chapters, within the Tenth District, submit their chapter histories to be included in updated History of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity to be published by the fraternity. Each District will have an individual chapter dedicated to the history of chapters in their district.
Therefore, I am requesting chapters to submit their histories to the District Committee. Once we receive them, we will review them, edit them, and submit them as our contribution to the History Book Committee of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Inc., who will do the final editing. A copy of our first draft will be available at the District Convention that was submitted to the Supreme Council at the Conclave in Las Vegas as an example of the beginnings of our District history. Please adhere to the following specifications for submissions:
200-500 words
Single spaced
Times New Roman
Font size 12’
Microsoft Word Document
4 Photographs per submission
The Deadline for all submissions is May 15, 2017. We will not be able to extend the deadline. Brothers, please make this announcement at your chapter meetings. We want to be inclusive of all of our undergraduate and graduate chapters. This is your opportunity to be part of the New Continental History Book. Don’t be left out of this historical opportunity.
Please submit all of your submissions to Brother Anthony Gibbs at . We look forward to your submission.
John H. Williams, Chairman
Willie L. Lewis, Jr. Co-Chairman