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Happy Founders, Omega Men!!!!


Brothers of Omega Psi Fraternity, Inc.

I want to take this moment to wish you a Happy Founders Day!

Today we celebrate the founding of our great fraternity. Brothers Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman with the advice of Earnest E. Just knew the time was right on November 17, 1911, despite opposition, for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity to be founded on the campus of Howard University.

Without the vision of our Founders, without their determination, we are not here today, 102 years later, as brothers of Omega Psi Phi. So brothers, let us celebrate today. But let’s keep in mind that we have work to do. We have communities that need all that we have to offer. Keep in mind Omega’s watchword, remember Omega’s implied motto – for if you do there is no doubt our communities and our families will benefit from Omega’s presence and we will be better men.

Enjoy the day my brothers! Long live Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

In Friendship,

Brother Steven G. Watkins 35th Tenth District Representative

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